Amplify PR

How to Get Publicity and Amplify Your Brand

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Hello there, entrepreneur!

I’m Emily Richett, a former TV news reporter and current publicist. Over the past decade, I've worked with everyone from Fortune 500 leaders to solopreneurs, helping them grow their brands, increase their visibility, and ultimately, their profitability.

I’ve put thousands of business owners like you in front of the camera, helping them to reach more customers and generate more sales, all while making a major impact while doing it.

Here is a look at just some of the media our clients have landed recently:

You could hire a firm or publicist and spend tens of thousands of dollars. But for most small businesses and entrepreneurs, getting media coverage for yourself is not only far more affordable, it’s usually more effective, too!

You just need to know the right process, how to connect with the media and influencers, and how to position your brand to be newsworthy. And I’m here to help you do just that.

During my time as a journalist, I received hundreds, sometimes thousands of pitches a week.

I was always on the lookout for someone newsworthy to feature. And not only that, but the business owners who understood what I needed to do my job (and therefore made my job easier), were the ones that I featured over and over again.

I left my career as a journalist to start a PR firm because

1- I thought it would be fun (yay, hustle!)

2- because I saw a major need in the market.

Too many great businesses were “best-kept secrets.”

They had amazing services or products, a small community of raving fans… but not nearly enough people knew about them.

As endearing as it sounds, no business wants to be a “best kept secret.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re the very best at what you do, if not enough people know about you, you’ll continue to struggle with getting consistent leads, sales or clients.

Are you ready to gain visibility and grow your brand?

Over the past five years, my firm has worked with small and major corporations, and everything in-between. We constantly hear from personal brands, coaches, authors, and entrepreneurs who are looking to generate publicity for their business on a budget.

That’s why I created a 6-week online course called AMPLIFY. It’s a streamlined, engaging course where I teach you everything I know about positioning your brand to be newsworthy- and leveraging those opportunities for more business, more customers and more sales.

It’s for entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level and make a bigger impact, but don’t have the budget to work with a firm or publicist one-on-one.

AMPLIFY is for you if:

You believe that you provide a high quality product or service to your clients
You feel like you could get more sales if more people knew about you
You want to be seen as a leader in your industry
You simply don’t have the budget to hire a marketing or PR firm on retainer
You want to reach more people and make an impact

So, what will you learn?

  • How to craft your message to resonate with the media and audiences of thousands of potential customers
  • The most effective ways to connect with media gatekeepers like reporters, editors, and writers who can share your story
  • How to pitch the media so they not only respond, but actually say YES!
  • The different types of media opportunities and how to decide which ones are best for you
  • The top ways to generate visibility and to position yourself as the go-to expert in your industry
  • How to leverage your media opportunities for an impact on your brand and your bottom line.

What others say about working with Emily:

Nicole Walters shares her experience working with Emily Richett and the impact it had on her business and visibility.

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30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I’m confident you’ll love the course, but if for some reason you don’t, I’ll refund your money within the first 30 days

"After implementing what Emily teaches in the first two lessons, I landed two TV features and a radio interview for my doula agency! The best part, now reporters are contacting me for story ideas...

If you're wondering if Amplify is worth the investment, it is! Don't wait, just sign up. You'll be glad you did."


"One consult with Emily and I landed two TV interviews and two print articles-- selling out my event! Now, I am a regular on-air contributor for a TV station. Thanks to Emily for the encouragement and guidance in amplifying my brand!

- Lindsay Castleman, Pathways Counseling


"I can’t thank you enough! My phone has been ringing off the hook... an executive producer for the Lifetime network saw the coverage you got me and they are going to feature our company on a national travel show! I am forever grateful!"

"Before I opened my shop, I didn't have a plan for publicity. I was busy hiring and training staff, creating menus, and finishing construction so we could open our doors.

By working with Emily, our grand opening was a huge success. We had coverage from all the big TV, radio and print outlets. My shop was packed during the VIP event and I was able to focus on all the details of opening my business while she handled the rest.

I had hoped the investment would come back tenfold and our first week in, I can confidently say it already has. Now I'm looking forward to continuing these valuable relationships to help grow my business."

adam ouelette, D'ARTS DONUTS